Hearthstone | Zoo Divine Shield Eboladin Paladin Deck & Decklist | Constructed STANDARD | NEW CARDS

2016-04-28 16

Hearthstone Deck - Constructed / Ranked / STANDARD
Zoo Divine Shield Eboladin Paladin Deck with WotoG Old Gods

Potential: we will see, maybe legend maybe not, too early ;)

Secret Paladin is gone and a new threat is rising on the ladder: Divine Shield Zoo Paladin with lots of one health minions and a comeback of the infamous Bloodknigt. The Bloodknight also counters great the C'Thun Divine Shield minion ;)

Any more questions? Just post a comment below and I`m glad to help you.
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Thanks for watching! (✿◠‿◠)
► Decklist ◄
[Mana] Card Name

[1]Selfless Hero 2x
[2]Argent Protector 2x
[3]Rallying Blade 2x
[3]Aldor Peacekeeper
[3]Steward of Darkshire 2x
[4]Blessing of Kings 2x
[4]Consecration 2x
[4]Truesilver Champion 2x
[4]Keeper of Uldaman 2x
[5]Stand Against Darkness 2x

[2]Bilefin Tidehunter 2x
[2]Twisted Worgen 2x
[3]Blood Knight 2x
[4]cult Master 2x
[10]Sea Giant 2x